Terra di Toscana www.terraditoscana.com

Williams Sonoma Lifestyles: Vegetarian for All Seasons

Whether you follow a strictly vegetarian diet or enjoy only the occasional vegetarian meal, today's farmers' markets, food stores, and backyard gardens entice you with an exciting array of fresh produce. Inspired by that bounty, this volume of the Williams-Sonoma Lifestyles series offers new and imaginative ways to bring the best of the harvest to your dining table.

Vegetarian for All Seasons features 45 kitchen-tested recipes for starters, soups and salads, main dishes, and desserts-all of them showcasing peak-of-season vegetables. Created by noted food authority Pamela Sheldon Johns, each recipe includes a nutritional analysis, helpful tips for cooking and serving fresh vegetables, and a beautiful full-page, full-color photograph.

A lively, informative introduction helps you make the most of nature's seasonal offerings. Included are pointers for achieving a varied and well-balanced vegetarian diet, along with guidelines for selecting and preparing a variety of vegetables, rices and beans. A guide to menu planning includes 10 suggested combinations, and a comprehensive glossary provides detailed descriptions of essential ingredients.

Williams Sonoma Lifestyles: Vegetarian for All Seasons by Pamela Sheldon Johns - Time-Life Books, September 1998 - Hardcover - 111 pages


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