Terra di Toscana www.terraditoscana.com


The Tuscan landscape offers a vast choice of sport and leisure activities. The region stretches from the Appenine mountains of 2,000 metres, that hide ski fields and challenging climbs, to the gentle Tirrenean sea, and an archipelago of islands to explore by sailboat. In between you will find rolling hills, sweeping plains and lush forests to traverse by foot, bicycle or horse. Contrary to popular belief there is more to do than visit quaint villages and sampling local produce. Every season offers plenty of activities. Travellers to Tuscany are spoilt for choice for opportunities to learn or play every kind of sport, at all levels, and for all ages - from skiing to sailing, to horse riding, cycling, canoeing, trekking and golf. The number of countryside resorts (agriturismi) where you can hire a horse or a bicycle increases season after season. And when you've had too much open air activity, you are in the region of Tuscany with the highest concentration of thermal springs. You can recharge your batteries in the same way as the Etruscans, the Roman soldiers and men such as Lorenzo the Magnificent. And we can tell you where.


Illustration by Olga Bruno

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