Terra di Toscana www.terraditoscana.com

Organized Tours

Navigating in Terraditoscana, you really have all the information to enable you to organise a holiday by yourself. But, imagining a holiday and actually organising it are very different, you risk inadvertently getting into a “tourist rip-off” or wasting energy in the realisation of a “do it yourself” programme.
Therefore, Terraditoscana, in collaboration with several serious dynamic organisations who have been dealing in tourism in our area for a number of years, offer the possibility of programming your holiday in a rational and pleasant way.
Having expert guides who speak your language perfectly, they propose visits singularly or for small groups, personalised to the needs of the client.
If you are not experts, don’t ruin your holiday, Toscana has much to offer and what could be better than trusting even a brief guided visit to the true professionals.


Illustration by Olga Bruno

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