Inhabitants in 1991: 3.935
territory of Gallicano in the Garfagnana, extends for 30,50 square kilometres,
occupying the valley of the river Turrite – right tributary of the
Serchio – dominated by the massive Apuani of the Panie. It reached
its present day aspect in 1948 when the district of Trassillico was
aggregated to it being detached from the municipality of Fabbriche di
The first historic mention of Gallicano - whose name is derived
from a certain Bornelio Gallicano registered in the alimentary tables
of Traiano among the columns Veleiati and Lucca going back to 771,
and figuring in a contract stipulated between a certain Marcellino di
Controne and Peredeo Bishop of Lucca. Then dominated by the Rolandinghi
family who exercised their jurisdiction over the vast highlands, nd
subsequently by the Porcaresi, in 1200 the castle of Gallicano
assigned to the Vicariate of Barga was placed under the Papal Sovereignty.
With the passing of Barga to the Fiorentini, Gallicano remained with Lucca
and in 1347 became Capital of the Vicariate. After an attempted
rebellion of the Gallicanesi (1370) which was only temporary, in 1430
the entire Vicariat was overtaken by the Estensi; but in 1451, with
the intention of levelling the continual contrasts between Lucca and Modena,
Pope Niccolò V ordered Gallicano, together with part of the centres
of the Vicariate, to re-enter in the dominion of the republic of Lucca.
It returned under the Estensi in 1847, and the community remained in their
possession until with the Unification of Italy all the Garfagnana was
assigned to the province of Massa, and was part of it until 1923. During
the last world conflict, the municipal territory astride the “Gothic
Line” was the theatre of bitter fighting, which even today
show the sad effects by the debris of the buildings destroyed and not
reconstructed. Among its illustrious sons is Domenico Bertini (1417-1506)
Ambassador to the republic of Lucca with the Santa Sede in Venezia and
in France, the naturalist Antonio Vallisneri (1661-1730) and the
Physicist Leopoldo Nobili (1784-1855).
Places to visit: La Grotta Del Vento (Caves of
the Wind), near the town centre, a subterranean complex which twists
for 4170 metres. The name derives from the constant wind which is
generated among the internal passageways. The Parish Church
of S. Jacopo, constructed before the year 1000, but several times
remodelled over the centuries. Preserves internally a Madonna col
Bambino and Santi from the 1300s. |
Historical info reproduced upon authorization of Regione Toscana - Dipartimento della Presidenza E Affari Legislativi e Giuridici
Translated by Ann Mountford |