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Towns of the area

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Inhabitants in 1991: 5.201

The municipal territory of Buti extends for 23,08 square kilometres in the valley which is formed on the eastern side of Monte Pisano, It was constituted in municipality in 1867 with the detachment of the districts of Buti and Cascine from the territory of Vicopisano.

The historical events of Buti are noted partly from the XI century when it was under the dominion of the Bishops of Pisa. It passed in the following century under the jurisdiction of the Pisana republic, was conquered by the rival Lucchesi on two occasions, in 1287 and 1289 and lastly, retaken by the Pisani in 1312 with the help of Emperor Arrigo VII. From the start of the XV century it became part of the Fiorentino dominion and followed its fate.

Historical info reproduced upon authorization of Regione Toscana - Dipartimento della Presidenza E Affari Legislativi e Giuridici
Translated by Ann Mountford

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