Inhabitants in 1991: 3.934
territory of the municipality of Chiesina Uzzanese extends for 7,24 square
kilometres in the plains of the Valdinievole. Originally part of the community
of Pescia, it was detached in 1895 and united to that of Uzzano, but it
only became autonomous municipality in 1963.
Chiesina Uzzanese (who owes its name to the recently rebuilt parochial
church of Santa Maria della Neve) had its origins between the end
of the XVI and the beginning of the XVII centuries, but could only
develop after repeated attempts at land drainage in the plains,
which had begun in 1435 with the construction of a weir at Ponte a Cappiano
and an expressly created magistrature, the “Masters of the New Lake”.
Given the scarce results, new operations were decided by Cosimo I,
but the lake levels so formed infected the area to such an extent as to
cause the decimation of the population. Finally, in 1780, Pietro Leopoldo
had a drain built into the Arno and demolished the dyke, completing
the drainage of the territory (which anyway had a count of 1564 inhabitants),
even if it was only with the realisation of a new outlet from the marshes
(1931-1933) that the ultimate aim could be reached.
Historical info reproduced upon authorization of Regione Toscana - Dipartimento della Presidenza E Affari Legislativi e Giuridici
Translated by Ann Mountford |