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Visiting Tuscany



Towns of the area

21 / 43

Incisa in Val d'Arno

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Inhabitants in 1991: 5.312

The municipal territory of Incisa extends for 26,52 square kilometres over a terrain for the most part hilly in Valdarno Superiore, on the left bank of the river. Ancient Medieval Podesta Office it became part of the new community of Reggello in 1773 together with Cascia. The municipality returned to autonomy in 1808 and remained thus until the end of 1824 when it was annexed to Figline; in 1851 it definitively re-acquired the title of municipality.

Probably arising from an ancient Roman settlement, the existence of the castle of Ancisa (Castelvecchio [old castle]) is documented right from the first half of the XII century. It was however enlarged and fortified by the Fiorentini in 1224, on the occasion of a revolt by the castle of Figline against the capital; moreover its strategic position as guardian of two important roads of communication and being dominant over a narrow gully, qualified it as fitting to bar the pass to the enemies of Firenze: in virtue of this, as fixed Seat of a Fiorentina garrison, it had means of developing, and during the course of the XIII century the village was constituted at the feet of the castle which in 1337 resulted as having its own statutes. In 1312 The Fiorentini surrounded by the troops of Arrigo VII who were marching towards Firenze found refuge at Incisa and in 1363 the castle was conquered by the soldiers of Pisa, and was for the most part destroyed. it was reconstructed by the hand of Firenze the following year. In 1529 it was occupied by the Imperial army led by the Prince of Orange, and on that date occurred the episode of the plebian Lucrezia Mazzanti drowning herself in the Arno "rather than be embraced by the enemy soldiers". It suffered a lot of destruction during the course of the last war. Among the local famous it is proud to have given birth to the grandparents of Petrarca.

Places to visit:
Ss. Cosma and Damiano al Viavio, convent of the Francescan Minors built in 1510 on a pre-existing monastery. The church with Baroche interior preserves interesting works of art.

Historical info reproduced upon authorization of Regione Toscana - Dipartimento della Presidenza E Affari Legislativi e Giuridici
Translated by Ann Mountford

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