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Towns of the area

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Montecatini Val di Cecina

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Inhabitants in 1991: 2.178

Situated in the Val di Cecina on the incline underlying the crest of Poggio la Croce, the municipal territory extends for 155,38 square kilometres. It became autonomous community in 1774 following the Grand Duchy laws. Montecatini suffered a territorial reduction in 1869 when the district of Spedaletto was aggregated to Lajatico. In 1929 it took in the district of Buriano, detached from Volterra.

A Medieval castle with the name of Villa di Monte Leone, Montecatini was not mentioned until after the XI century. It was part of the parish of Gabbreto and was under the jurisdiction of the Volterra Bishops. Towards the middle of the XIV century the Bishop Filippo Belforti assured the dominion to his own family, from whom it was taken by the Fiorentini in 1361. Assigned to the Volterra department it remained under their administration until 1472 when it passed under the direct dominion of the Fiorentina republic, together with all the Volterra county. From then on Montecatini followed the events of the Grand Duchy’s Fiorentino State until the Unity of Italy.

Places to visit:
The Fortress, built in the XII century and dominated by the very high tower.
Palazzo Pretoria, a Medieval establishment remodelled over the centuries. It is beautified by a little portico.

Historical info reproduced upon authorization of Regione Toscana - Dipartimento della Presidenza E Affari Legislativi e Giuridici
Translated by Ann Mountford

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