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Visitare la Toscana



Bread, wine and language

Pane, vino e lingua: is a two-weeks program combining morning language instruction with afternoon culinary and cultural activities and excursions. During the morning you can learn the Italian language in a group lesson and during the afternoon you can discover the secrets of Tuscan wines and cookery.
The program is also open to the Italian language beginners, an interpreter will be present at wine tastings and cookery lessons.

The Two-Week Program in detail

  • Sunday: Arrival and accommodation in hotel or with Italian family
  • Monday: Morning language lesson; afternoon orientation tour of Florence or Lucca
  • Tuesday: Morning language lesson; afternoon cooking lesson (hor d'oeuvres)
  • Wednesday: Morning language lesson; afternoon tasting Tuscan white wines
  • Thursday: Morning language lesson; afternoon cooking lesson
  • Friday: Morning language lesson; afternoon free
  • Saturday: Day trip to Badia di Passignano, Greve, with visit to farm, vineyard, lunch, and wine tasting with snack
  • Sunday: free
  • Monday: Morning language lesson; afternoon tasting Tuscan red wines
  • Tuesday: : Morning language lesson; afternoon cooking lesson
  • Wednesday: Morning language lesson; trip to the Chianti region
  • Thursday: Morning language lesson; afternoon cooking lesson
  • Friday: Morning language lesson; afternoon free; goodbye dinner in a Tuscan trattoria
  • Saturday: departure


Picture by Kee-Ho Casati

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  Terra di Toscana

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